Book Images
All 600+ images from the textbook available in pdf and ppt format.
Learning objectives
A complete list of all learning objectives in the book as well as others.
Question Bank
Over 850 multiple choice and constructed response questions.
Quizzes and Assignments
Mastery quiz banks for each topic and meta-cognitive reflection assignments.
In-Class activities
In class activities that encourage engaging, student-centered teaching.
Suggested teaching Specimens
A list of suggested teaching specimens and samples with sourcing information.
Book Images
All 600+ images from the textbook will be available in both pdf and PowerPoint format. This will allow for instructional use of the many cladograms, figures, and photographs that are unique to the book.
Learning Objectives
When learning objectives form the base of instructional design, this practice is known as backward design. It is considered backwards, because before you decide what you will teach and how, you think about what you want your students to be able to do at the end of the course or each lesson. Then, you design your instruction, activities, and assessments to help them achieve these goals and measure whether they have met the objectives set out.
All of the learning objectives that are included in the text for each chapter will be provided as a separate list. This will allow for easy implementation into class presentations, activities, study guides, etc. Additionally objectives that are not included in the text will be provided to help guide what you want your students to get out of your course.
Question Bank
Quizzes and Assignments
In-Class activities
suggested Teaching Specimens
Interested in adopting the textbook for your course or one you are creating? Click below to start the process. Or get in touch if there’s something you’d like to see or to chat about teaching dinosaurs.